Sunday, 15 September 2013

Meet the Queen of Teen: Cathy Cassidy

 *** I think I owe Cathy a huge apology for posting this so late. I think it’s been on my desktop for more than two weeks! #I’mahorribleperson ***

“Cathy Cassidy is AWESOME!”
-Anya, 16

What makes Cathy Cassidy a favourite among thousands of girls all over the world? Well, the list is long. It perhaps starts with how amazing a writer Cathy is. Grab any book of hers (my favourite being Driftwood, Angel Cake and Scarlett) and she’s sure to make you laugh, cry and go “Aww…”

 And once you’re done reading a book by her, you’re sure to feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Other than that, maybe it’s how approachable she is. Cathy is one of the most down to earth people I’ve ever met. Uh, talked to. Her facebook wall is open for anyone to drop in a message, whether it is a problem, a picture you’ve painted or just to chat. Whatever be it, she’s sure to reply.

Cathy focuses mainly on problems faced by teenagers and her books touch upon topics such as bullying and eating disorders. Her books are realistic yet they have that fairytale magic weaved in, which, in my opinion, is awesome!

I was delighted when Cathy agreed to do an interview on Unhealthy Obsessions. When she agreed, I first started squealing and then jumped about and then tried to calm down and type out a coherent reply. I’m not sure if I was successful though.

Anyways, read on to find out more about Cathy, including her ideal hunk while in high school.

1)      Who inspired your first book Dizzy?
No one person inspired the first book - it was just a determination to finally get a book-length story written down, after years of trying! I'd never had a shortage of ideas - just a shortage of staying power! A straight-talking friend challenged me by saying she thought I'd never get round to writing a book, so I guess Dizzy was written to prove her wrong... thank you Catriona!  

2)      Every writer suffers from a writer’s block every now and then. How do you overcome yours?
Daydreaming is the best cure for writer's block I know... just letting your mind drift can allow all kinds of subconscious thoughts and ideas to pop and connect. If that doesn't help, I stop work and do something different - painting a wall or walking the dogs in the park can stop me from worrying too much about a story. And once you stop worrying, the solution often appears... a bit like magic!

3)      Tell us about your family.
I grew up in the English midlands... there was me, my little brother, Mum and Dad. Dad repaired cars for a living but was a big dreamer, and taught me that hard work and big dreams can be a great combination! My husband is called Liam and we have two almost-grown-up kids, Cal and Cait, both now at uni.

4)      Do you think fame has changed you?
I don't think so - but then, I don't feel famous! I got recognised on a train the other day and I was SO embarrassed... it just felt so weird! I am quite private about my personal life and don't give out my home address or number, as readers have turned up on my doorstep in the past and that feels a little bit odd. (I was usually doing something deeply unattractive like digging the garden or bathing the dogs. Once, a visitor appeared when I was very ill with flu... not good!)

5)      Personally, who is your favorite character among the books you have written?
Mouse, always. He has a talent for trouble, but is brave and not afraid to stand up for what he believes in. He appeared first a small boy in Dizzy, and I gave him his own book, a sort-of sequel set 7 years on, in Lucky Star.

6)      Your ideal ‘hunk’ when you were young.
Robert Smith from The Cure. 

7)      How did you feel when you won the Queen of Teen award in 2010?
Shocked! I am not the tiara-wearing type, but it was an amazing honour to be voted Queen of Teen by so many lovely readers. I wish I had been given real queenly powers... I'd have put daydreaming onto the curriculum and prescribed free chocolate for all... 

8)      How do you like to spend your free time?
What free time? ;o)
I don't get much spare time, but when I do I enjoy reading, swimming, walking in the park or at the beach, yoga, drawing, vintage shopping, music festivals, loafing in cafes and hanging out with friends.

9)      Are any of the incidents in your books adapted from your life?
Occasionally small incidents are drawn from my past... but most are pure fiction. 

10)  How would you describe yourself?
Creative, kind, clumsy, chaotic.

Rapid fire round:
(You have thirty seconds to answer them and remember - no cheating!)

1)      Your favourite colour.
Moss green. 

2)      Your favourite food.

3)      Dog, Cat or Pony?
Dog. (lurcher). But love cats/ ponies too. 

4)      Coffee or tea?
Coffee - latte. Or Lapsang tea. 

5)      Your favourite actor.
Johnny Depp. 

6)      Summer, autumn or winter?
Spring! (I like to be different!) 

7)      Moonlit walks or bonfire on the beach?
Bonfire on the beach. 

8)      Your favourite book or author.
The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger 


Feel free to check out Cathy’s website at which has amazing stuff, my personal favourite being the recipes for the scrumptious cupcakes and the likes of it! I am definitely going to try out the fairy cakes soon!  

Serena xoxo

Note – All pictures are taken from


  1. Great Post!! Followed you :)


    Giveaway on the Blog!
    xx Chaicy - Style..A Pastiche!

  2. I really dont know who she is.... will definitely check her website :)
    Great interview ^^


    Don't forget to check my & other stories giveaway ^^


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